GAKUTEI (1786-1868). Kōshi e il ragazzo
The Chinese philosopher Confucius (J: Kōshi) in conversation with
a boy. Behind them a waterfall and the rising sun. This image refers
to the story of the boy who asked Confucius what was further away,
the city of Lo Yang, or the place where the sun sets. After the sage
gave him the obvious answer, the boy found out that one can see
the place where the sun sets, but not the city of Lo Yang.
Woodblock colour print with metallic pigments details
Shikishiban surimono, 21,1x18,5 cm
Signed: Gakutei
Poems by Bunsō Kaori and Bumbunsha
Title: Dispute from a eight year Old boy and Confucius (Hassai no ko to
Kōshi to mondō)
From the series Supplementary Tales from Uji (Uji shūi monogari)
According to Asano at least seven designs in the series are known.
Privately published by the Katsushika-ren circle of poets
c. 1828
The impression from the Fitzwilliam Museum, is illustrated in Asano.
Cultivated Gift, no. 105. The example from the Rijksmuseum,
RP-P-1958-434, is illustrated in Forrer. Surimono in the Rijksmuseum,
no. 484. Two other examples are illustrated in Forrer. The Baur
Collection, no. G248, G249.
lllustrated in our catalogue Surimono. Hokusai-Shinsai-Hokkei-Gakutei,
September 2024, no. 50.
Fine impression and colour, the margins’ pattern slightly rubbed
Item: D 509