A finely carved bokuto in the shape of a lotus plant with leaves and buds, with a small frog and a snail. The two ends are inlaid, on one side with some movable seeds and on the other with a darker wood. The small frog has the eyes inlaid in horn and seems to be in a position of alert towards the snail, a recurrent subject often associated with the snake (sansukumi).
Bokuto was meant as a defense weapon or simple deterrent. It was used from the 17th to the middle of the 19th century by certain categories of people, such as doctors, actors or other people who by necessity had to go out at night. That is why today they are called "doctor’s swords". Bokuto are extremely rare and surprisingly few fine examples as this one are now available. On the subject, see the articles by Gabor Wilhelm, “Bokuto” in Bulletin of the Association Franco Japonaise, n. 2, July 1988, the English version of the same in Netsuke Kenkyukai Study Journal. Volume 10, n. 2 Summer 1990 and Karol Ashken, "Bokuto The Doctor's Swords, The Karol Ashken Collection", in Daruma 7, Summer 1995.
19th century
Lenght 41 cm
No.: S 220