SHUNSEN. (1763 ca.-1830). Strolling at Kameido

SHUNSEN. (1763 ca.-1830). Strolling at Kameido

Artist: Katsukawa Shunsen (1763 ca.-1830)
Subject: A man and a lady with an attendant approaching the drum bridge and wisteria blossoms at Kameido Tenjin shrine.
Signature:  Shunsen ga
Date: 1800 ca. Censor seal kiwame.
Publisher: Sanoki, Kikakudo.
Size: Oban yoko-e, 24x38,3 cm
Medium: Woodblock color print.
Remarks: Shunsen produced several prints of this kind for different publishers, always in horizontal format with human figures in landscape.
Conditions: Very good impression, color and conditions.
Item no: B 338