SHINSAI  (1764 ?-1820). Asarigai

SHINSAI (1764 ?-1820). Asarigai

Artist: Ryūryūkyo Shinsai (1764 ?-1820)
Subject: Two ladies walking in a country path.
Series: Kasen awase (A series of shells). The print refers to the shell "Asarigai".
Signature: Shinsai
Date: 1809
Publisher: Privately printed for the poets' circle Yomogawa.
Size: Koban, surimono, 13,8x18,8 cm
Medium: Woodblock color print with use of metallic pigments.
Literature: Another impression is illustrated in Asano et al. 1991: Heiteres treiben in der verganglichen welt. Koln: Museum fur Ostasiatische Kunst der Stadt Koln. pag. 68 n.2-36
Remarks: The series is composed of thirty-six surimono each associated to a shell. The set was commissioned by the group of poets Yomogawa chaired by Yomo no Utagaki Magao (1753-1829).
Conditions: Very good impression, colour and conditions. Collector’s seal on back of the print of Louise Norton Brown (1865-1923), American collector and author of “Block Printing and Book Illustration in Japan”.
Item no: D 202